Saturday 2 August 2014

Emergence of the 8th phase of solid oxygen

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In their present work, Associate Professor Yasuhiro H. Matsuda in the Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), the University of Tokyo and Ph.D student Toshihiro Nomura at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, have discovered a novel phase of solid oxygen by applying an extraordinarily strong magnetic field of up to 193 Tesla, in collaboration with Professor Tatsuo C. Kobayashi, Okayama University and other researchers. Oxygen becomes solid at low temperatures and under high pressures, and so far seven different solid phases have been discovered. The crystal structure of the solid oxygen is known to be deeply related to its magnetic properties, but it was not known how the characteristics of oxygen were affected by strong magnetic fields. In this research, magnetization and magneto-transmission measurements were performed in ultrahigh fields using a destructive single-turn coil technique. The ultrahigh magnetic field of up to 193 T was able to bring about a phase-change in solid oxygen. The discovered novel phase is the eighth phase of solid oxygen and has a different geometry of O2 molecules from the other seven phases, possessing a cubic crystal structure with a high degree of symmetry, and is thought to be weakly ferromagnetic. This finding is

The post Emergence of the 8th phase of solid oxygen has been published on Technology Org.

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