Saturday, 6 April 2013

Incoming Asteroid miners are getting financial boost from NASA ...

Commercial ventures are planning to send out profit-hunting missions to asteroids by the year 2020 — but in the shorter term, they're bringing in money by ...

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U.S., NASA Look To "Asteroid Mining" As Next Phase In Manifest Galaxy

A $100 million line item in President Barack Obama's proposed federal budget for next fiscal year could jump start a space project made all the more urgent by two close asteroid encounters from earlier in the year. NASA plans to start work on a mission ...

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Google Alert - quantum

Quantum Noise-Beating Technique with Entangled Photons Demonstrated for ...
Scientific American
Image: Giorgio Brida. Technologies that rely on 'quantum-weirdness' phenomena, such as electrons being in two places at the same time, are inherently delicate: the smallest disruption can make such uncertain states 'collapse' into well-defined outcomes.
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Google Alert - LHC news

Russian Deputy PM Says Cooperation with CERN Important
RIA Novosti
The Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest particle accelerator launched in 2008, was built with the prime goal of either finding the Higgs boson, whose existence was predicted by British physicist Peter Higgs in the 1960s, or disproving it ...
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Google Alert - graphene

Titanium Dioxide Coating Improves Efficiency Of Graphene-Based ...
A 65-nm-thick titanium dioxide layer coats a graphene-silicon solar cell. The cell appears blue, because the coating has reduced visible light reflection from the ...