Saturday 3 August 2013

Hubble finds telltale fireball after gamma ray burst

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( —NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has provided the strongest evidence yet that short-duration gamma-ray bursts are triggered by the merger of two small, super-dense stellar objects, such as a pair of neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole.

Zazzle Space market place

NASA's Hubble Finds Telltale Fireball After Gamma Ray Burst

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope recently provided the strongest evidence yet that short-duration gamma ray bursts are produced by the merger of two small, super-dense stellar objects.

via NASA Breaking News

Hubble Finds 'Smoking Gun' After Gamma-Ray Blast

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Ever since U.S. Air Force satellites serendipitously discovered gamma-ray bursts in the 1960s, astronomers have been searching for the triggering mechanism. Gamma-ray bursts are mysterious flashes of intense high-energy radiation that appear from random directions in space. These titanic explosions unleash as much energy in less than a second as the Sun does in 1 million years.

via HubbleSite NewsCenter -- Latest News Releases

New Book Published - Stars in Cygnus, The Swan Cards Logo

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

A gorgeous greetings card featuring a star forming region in Constellation Cygnus (The Swan). This Hubble image shows a dust-rich, interstellar gas cloud with a new-born star in the centre of the hour-glass shape. The glowing blue of the hydrogen in this nebula is due to the jets being emitted from the forming star as dust falls into into it and this causes the heating and turbulence of the hydrogen. The star, known as S106 IR, is reaching the end of its birth and will soon enter the much quieter period of adulthood known as the main stage.

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more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

Image code: cygsb

Image credit: NASA, the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI) and ESA

via Zazzle Astronomy market place

Congratulations - General, Cygnus, The Swan Greeting Card Logo

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

A gorgeous greetings card featuring a star forming region in Constellation Cygnus (The Swan). This Hubble image shows a dust-rich, interstellar gas cloud with a new-born star in the centre of the hour-glass shape. The glowing blue of the hydrogen in this nebula is due to the jets being emitted from the forming star as dust falls into into it and this causes the heating and turbulence of the hydrogen. The star, known as S106 IR, is reaching the end of its birth and will soon enter the much quieter period of adulthood known as the main stage.

more items with this image
more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

Image code: cygsb

Image credit: NASA, the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI) and ESA

via Zazzle Astronomy market place