Friday 1 April 2016

Size matters: NASA measures raindrop sizes from space to understand storms

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For the first time, scientists have three-dimensional snapshots of raindrops and snowflakes around the world from space.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place

Ruthenium nanoframes open the doors to better catalysts

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Researchers have created the first ruthenium nanoframes by manipulating the metal's crystal structure. The two-part process could open up a new group of catalysts made from materials with unique atomic arrangements. If they prove to be efficient catalysts, they could also improve hydrogen fuel production and carbon storage.
via Science Daily

Scientists discover how gypsum forms, and how it might tell us more about water on Mars

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A new explanation of how gypsum forms may change the way we process this important building material, as well as allow us to interpret past water availability on other planets such as Mars.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place

Europa: Discover Life Under the Ice

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Looking for an interplanetary vacation destination? Consider a visit to Europa, one of the Solar System's most tantalizing moons. Ice-covered Europa follows an elliptical path in its 85 hour orbit around our ruling gas giant Jupiter. Heat generated from strong tidal flexing by Jupiter's gravity keeps Europa's salty subsurface ocean liquid all year round. That also means even in the absence of sunlight Europa has energy that could support simple life forms. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to make reservations at restaurants on Europa, where you might enjoy a dish of the local extreme shrimp. But you can always choose another destination from Visions of the Future.

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Sonified Higgs data show a surprising result