Saturday, 2 November 2013

Eye in Orion iPad Case

Here's a great iPad case from Zazzle featuring a Hubble-related design. Maybe you'd like to see your name on it? Click to personalize and see what it's like!

it's always a pleasure to choose a design from annaleeblysse,
another talented creative from the Zazzle community!

tagged with: funky, aqua blue, eye, iris, nasa hubble, space art, orion nebula, bright, colorful, abstract digital art

Abstract digital artwork inspired by one of NASA/Hubble's images of the Orion Nebula.

»visit the annaleeblysse store for more designs and products like this
The Zazzle Promise: We promise 100% satisfaction. If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!

Potentially Habitable Worlds - Exoplanets compared Lamp

Here's a gorgeous lamp featuring a beautiful image from deep in outer space.

tagged with: star galaxies, outer space picture, exoplanets, potentially habitable worlds, other planets, other worlds, earth similarity index, possible life, goldilocks zone, pheasat, deep space astronomy

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series A side-by-side comparison featuring artistic representations of the only known planets around other stars (exoplanets) having a chance to support life as we know it. Earth, Mars Jupiter, and Uranus are shown for scale. All are ranked with the Earth Similarity Index (ESI), a measure of Earth-likeness from zero to one, with a value of one being identical to Earth.
more items with this image
more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

image code: pheasat

Image credit: PHL @ UPR Arecibo ( July 29, 2013

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this
Click to fill in your monogram initials.
via Zazzle Astronomy market place

Crashing rockets could lead to novel sample-return technology

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In early 2013, University of Washington students launched rockets from kites and balloons into a dry Nevada lakebed, early tests of a concept to collect and return samples from forbidding environments.

via Science Daily

Zazzle Space Exploration market place

Hubble's new shot of Proxima Centauri, our nearest neighbor

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( —Shining brightly in this Hubble image is our closest stellar neighbor: Proxima Centauri.

Zazzle Space market place

Monogram Brightest Supernova Ever space picture Sticker

Here's a great sheet of stickers featuring a beautiful image from deep space

tagged with: astronomy pictures, outer space, star galaxies, sn1006c, supernova explosions, brightest supernova, exploding white dwarf, neutron star, deep space astronomy, monogram initials, supernova bursts, supernovae space bubble

Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series Just over a thousand years ago, the stellar explosion known as supernova SN 1006 was observed. It was brighter than Venus, and visible during the day for weeks. The brightest supernova ever recorded on Earth, this spectacular light show was documented in China, Japan, Europe, and the Arab world.
Ancient observers were treated to this celestial fireworks display without understanding its cause or implications. Astronomers now understand that SN 1006 was caused by a white dwarf star that captured mass from a companion star until the white dwarf became unstable and exploded. Recent observations of the remnant of SN 1006 reveal the liberation of elements such as iron that were previously locked up inside the star. Because no material falls back into a neutron star or black hole after this type of supernova explosion, the liberation of this star's contents is complete. It represents, therefore, a cosmic version of Independence Day for this star.
This is a composite image of the SN 1006 supernova remnant, which is located about 7000 light years from Earth. Shown here are X-ray data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue), optical data from the University of Michigan's 0.9 meter Curtis Schmidt telescope at the NSF's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO; yellow) and the Digitized Sky Survey (orange and light blue), plus radio data from the NRAO's Very Large Array and Green Bank Telescope (VLA/GBT; red).
This combined study of the Chandra, CTIO and VLA/GBT observations shows new evidence for the acceleration of charged particles to high energies in supernova shockwaves. An accompanying Hubble Space Telescope image of SN 1006 shows a close-up of the region on the upper right of the supernova remnant. The twisting ribbon of light seen by Hubble reveals where the expanding blast wave is sweeping into very tenuous surrounding gas.
more items with this image
more items in the Galaxies, Stars and Nebulae series

image code: sn1006c

Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/G.Cassam-Chenaï, J.Hughes et al.; Radio: NRAO/AUI/NSF/GBT/VLA/Dyer, Maddalena & Cornwell; Optical: Middlebury College/F.Winkler, NOAO/AURA/NSF/CTIO Schmidt & DSS

»visit the HightonRidley store for more designs and products like this
Click to customize.
via Zazzle Astronomy market place

Colonization Poster-Map, High Frontier

Here's a great poster featuring a beautiful image from deep space

wow! This one caught my eye, I hope you like it. By SierraMadreGames,
another talented creative from the Zazzle community!

tagged with: sierra madre, games, high frontier, colonization, science, fiction, astronomy, rocket science, eklund

Use this map to play the tabletop game High Frontier or High Frontier Colonization, published by Sierra Madre Games. It extends the standard expanded map out to Pluto and beyond, all the way to Sedna and the sunlens point at 550 AU. Includes the newly discovered debris rings of Rhea, the penitentares of Europa, the mysterious featureless moon of Melone, the neutrino sunlens point, and more."I printed the Colonization HF Poster-Map in Large (48.00" x 22.46"), Value Poster Paper (Matte). It is great as long as you have the space for it. Otherwise, I would get the 36” version. If you combine with another Poster-Map (Bios-Origins or Interstellar) then you could do even better on price since you only need to pay for shipping once. The quality on both maps are top notch so I can strongly recommend them." Russell Harley

»visit the SierraMadreGames store for more designs and products like this
Click to customize with size, paper type etc.
via Zazzle Astronomy market place