Ever run out of your go-to cleaning product, and you’ve got a mess that you just can’t leave
The post Clean up your life with chemistry life hacks has been published on Technology Org.
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There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
Ever run out of your go-to cleaning product, and you’ve got a mess that you just can’t leave
The post Clean up your life with chemistry life hacks has been published on Technology Org.
A new study published in PNAS reports that female engineering students who are exposed to a higher percentage of female peers in small group interactions have increased levels of motivation, greater verbal participation, and feel more confident in their engineering career aspirations. This finding could have far-reaching implications for the gender imbalance that currently exists in engineering and related fields.
A hallmark of the public conversation regarding science education is the issue of gender parity. Fewer women than men pursue jobs and education in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and those women who do enter these fields are more likely to leave than their male counterparts. In the US, women comprise only 28 percent of the workforce in these areas, despite being half of the population and getting closer to parity in others.
This gender differential begins during education. In their first year of college, women are less likely than men to state an intention to pursue STEM education, and those numbers continue to fall throughout their first few undergraduate semesters. Though the women who initially said they’re intending to major in STEM fields are well prepared academically, they report feeling less confidence in their skills and a decreased motivation to pursue a STEM career compared to male peers.
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It seems like only yesterday that scientists were combing diligently through their data looking for single Higgs bosons.
The post Two Higgs are better than one has been published on Technology Org.
Scientists have measured the subatomic intricacies of an exotic phenomenon first predicted more than 60 years ago. This
The post Long-Sought Magnetic Mechanism Observed in Exotic Hybrid Materials has been published on Technology Org.