A single neuron in isolation cannot be said to possess memory, feelings, or consciousness. However, group many neurons
The post Hierarchies in matter has been published on Technology Org.
See Zazzle gifts tagged with 'science'
There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
A single neuron in isolation cannot be said to possess memory, feelings, or consciousness. However, group many neurons
The post Hierarchies in matter has been published on Technology Org.
Here's a great poster featuring a beautiful image from deep space
(credit: Improbable Research)
Every fall, the Swedish Academy of Sciences determines which researchers have produced work worthy of a Nobel Prize. Usually, my first warning that this time of the year is approaching is the announcement of the Ig Nobel Prizes, handed out in Boston "for achievements that first make people laugh, then make them think."
The Nobels must be coming soon, as the Igs were handed out last night in a traditionally lavish and mildly deranged ceremony. As is typical, almost all of the winning research teams had a representative present. One of the two exceptions sent a video acceptance; the only group that did not acknowledge its win was the Bangkok Metropolitan Police Force. We'll go through the awards below, starting with the ones that are also awarded science Nobels, and then moving into some of the more flexible categories before wrapping up with Economics and Literature.
Physics: The fluid mechanics of urination. The team that won this award was interested in what they call "a universal phenomenon that has received little attention"—the physics of urination. To get a sense of how urination operates on different scales, the researchers hauled a video camera to Zoo Atlanta and filmed animals relieving themselves. "Our findings reveal that the urethra is a flow-enhancing device," they concluded, "enabling the urinary system to be scaled up by a factor of 3,600 in volume without compromising its function."
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Researchers from The University of Western Australia and Humboldt University of Berlin have completed testing that has effectively
The post Researchers test speed of light with greater precision than before has been published on Technology Org.
Here's a great sheet of stickers featuring a beautiful image from deep space
Here's a great wall decal featuring a beautiful image from deep space
The University of Washington and Oregon State University have won a \$4.5 million, five-year grant from the National
The post UW labs win \$4.5 million NSF nanotechnology infrastructure grant has been published on Technology Org.
Here's a great poster featuring a beautiful image from deep space
Here's a great sheet of stickers featuring a beautiful image from deep space
Here's a great wall decal featuring a beautiful image from deep space
Here's a great iPad case from Zazzle featuring a Hubble-related design. Maybe you'd like to see your name on it? Click to personalize and see what it's like!