Saturday, 28 July 2018

Technique to easily fabricate ceramic films used as OPV inter-layers developed

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Researchers developed a technique for coating Zinc related oxide (ZnOx, ZnOHx) simply by depositing the films in a solution process using the Metal Organic Decomposition method at ambient temperature and pressure without heating. They also demonstrated that their thin films produced by this technique were useful as buffer layers for OPV cells and that the films achieved a power conversion efficiency equivalent to that of ZnO thin films produced by conventional methods involving sintering.
via Science Daily

Theorists find mechanism behind nearly pure nanotubes from the unusual catalyst

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Scientists decode the unusual growth characteristic of carbon nanotubes that start out as one chirality but switch to another, resulting in nearly homogenous batches of single-walled nanotubes.
via Science Daily

X-ray technology reveals never-before-seen matter around black hole

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Scientists have clarified how gravity affects the shape of matter near the black hole in binary system Cygnus X-1. Their findings may help scientists further understand the physics of strong gravity and the evolution of black holes and galaxies.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place

What the ‘Blood Moon’ Lunar Eclipse Looked Like

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The entire moon was in shadow for 103 minutes, about 15 minutes longer than the average eclipse, and was visible from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and parts of South America.
via New York Times