Astronomers have identified a dying star and intergalactic gas entering the Milky Way.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place
There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
Previous successful Knowledge Transfer enterprises have helped to develop several useful technologies, such as these photonic crystals, which glow when high-energy charged particles pass through, and are used for medical imaging (Image: CERN)
CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group has just launched a new tool to encourage CERN researchers and businesses to share their technologies, ideas and expertise.
It’s hoped that by facilitating these exchanges the tool will inspire new ways to apply CERN technologies commercially, to help benefit industry and society.
Interested organizations including small-to-medium sized businesses specially, research centres, large industrial organizations and universities, can subscribe to the website here, and download a KT newsletter.
The newsletter will include up to date information on the technologies generated at CERN and their potential uses and benefits in the subscribers’ business sector.
In turn, organizations will then be able to share their particular interests related to CERN technologies and expertise.
There are already many successful enterprises which exist due to CERN’s Knowledge Exchange network.
For example, data generated by the CERN-developed software Fluka, is now integrated into the patient cancer treatment planning system implemented by Ray Search Laboratories in Sweden. There are also several start-ups including Terabee in France, which uses co-developed sensor technology from CERN for indoor drone navigation. And TIND in Norway, which develops software solutions around CERN Invenio technology, and counts among its customers CalTech, the Max Planck Institute and the United Nations.
LISA Pathfinder, ESA’s technology demonstrator for detecting gravitational-waves, is set for launch on 2 December at 04:15 GMT (05:15 CET) on a Vega rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Media representatives can follow the launch online and attend the event in ESA’s operations centre, ESOC, in Darmstadt, Germany.