Launching humans to Mars may not require a full tank of gas: A new study suggests that a Martian mission may lighten its launch load considerably by refueling on the moon.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place
There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
Graphenea's Business Development Director, Iñigo Charola, visited Japan last week. The purpose of the visit was to support Graphenea's activities in the far East. To that end, Iñigo spent the week visiting our customers in Japan, and on Wednesday was invited to give a talk at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Tokyo, and in particular Japan's Graphene Consortium, led by AIST.
The audience of the talk was composed of consortium members (companies, universities and research centers). Iñigo shared Graphenea's vision of the graphene market and explained how our 2.2M € investment in production scale-up will support the evolution of the industry. Graphenea is very active in the far East with the help of our distribution network and through numerous scientific collaborations.
Catastrophic flooding triggered by ice melting from the heat of volcanic activity is thought to be responsible for the chaotic scenery depicted in this region of the Mangala Valles channel network.