A study of 909 planets and 355 stars reveals that, unlike our solar system, other planetary systems are distinguished by strict regularity.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place
There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
Graphenea has had a very successful 2017, reaping the benefits of the cumulative hard work since the founding in 2010. Although last year’s success is best exemplified by the $1.9m in sales revenue, the turnover was accompanied by a number of milestones that foreshadow a bright future.
Production volumes were expanded for both our staple products – graphene oxide and CVD graphene. We successfully installed a 1 tonne per year (tpa) graphene oxide production plant at our location in San Sebastian, Spain. At the same location, we installed a new CVD graphene growth and transfer system for 100 mm (4”) and 150 mm (6”) diameter wafers, with 200 mm (8”) expected soon.
The increase of quantity was accompanied with an enhanced focus on quality and compliance of our products. Our production of graphene oxide was pre-registered with the European Chemical Agency (REACH pre-registration), a necessary administrative step for producers that sell more than 1 tpa of any chemical. CVD graphene is now produced in a class 1000 cleanroom, leading to record-high carrier mobility. Our dedication to quality was recognized with an awarded ISO 9001 certificate for Quality Management System.
The business side of things has also evolved, with a formal separation of the two businesses: Graphenea Energy, focusing on graphene oxide, and Graphenea Semiconductor, focusing on CVD graphene. We employed four new engineers and scientists in 2017, and a new Business Development Manager for Graphenea Inc (Graphenea USA office).
A steady rise in product quantity, quality, and sales revenue, accompanied with business development and continued product certification and compliance, continue to be the pillars for Graphenea’s sustainable growth.