Friday 15 January 2016

Fast, accurate DNA sequencing through graphene nanopore

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A new concept has been developed for rapid, accurate gene sequencing by pulling a DNA molecule through a tiny, chemically activated hole in graphene -- an ultrathin sheet of carbon atoms -- and detecting changes in electrical current.
via Science Daily

Observatory: Ball of Gas Has Energy of Hundreds of Billions of Suns

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Scientist may have found the most powerful supernova ever seen.

via New York Times

Signs of second largest black hole in the Milky Way

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Astronomers using the Nobeyama 45-m Radio Telescope have detected signs of an invisible black hole with a mass of 100 thousand times the mass of the Sun around the center of the Milky Way. The team assumes that this possible 'intermediate mass' black hole is a key to understanding the birth of the supermassive black holes located in the centers of galaxies.
via Science Daily
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Extreme turbulence roiling 'most luminous galaxy' in the universe

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The most luminous galaxy in the universe -- a so-called obscured quasar 12.4 billion light-years away -- is so violently turbulent that it may eventually jettison its entire supply of star-forming gas, according to new observations with ALMA.
via Science Daily
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Wright Mons in Color

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Informally named Wright Mons, a broad mountain about 150 kilometers across and 4 kilometers high with a wide, deep summit depression is featured in this inset image captured during the New Horizons flyby of Pluto in July 2015. Of course, broad mountains with summit craters are found elsewhere in the Solar System, like the large shield volcano Mauna Loa on planet Earth or giant Olympus Mons on Mars. New Horizons scientists note the striking similarity of Pluto's Wright Mons, and nearby Piccard Mons, to large shield volcanoes suggests the two could be giant cryovolcanoes that once erupted molten ice from the interior of the cold, distant world. In fact, found on a frozen dwarf planet Wright Mons could be the largest volcano in the outer Solar System. Since only one impact crater has been identified on its slopes, Wright Mons may well have been active late in Pluto's history. This highest resolution color image also reveals red material sparsely scattered around the region.

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National Briefing | Washington: Contracts Announced for Runs to Space Station

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NASA announced on Thursday the companies it had selected for a second round of contracts to take cargo to the International Space Station.

via New York Times

New theory of secondary inflation expands options for avoiding an excess of dark matter

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A new theory suggests a shorter secondary inflationary period that could account for the amount of dark matter estimated to exist throughout the cosmos.
via Science Daily
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Stories Spill Out as Spotlight Is Shined on Sexism in Astronomy

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Female students and professionals have been using the hashtag #astroSH to share stories of how sexism has affected them.

via New York Times