Monday 19 October 2015

Are cars nanotube factories on wheels?

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Scientists detect the presence of carbon nanotubes in cells extracted from the airways of Parisian children with asthma. Their results suggest nanotubes may be common components of airborne pollution and vehicles may be a source.
via Science Daily

Surfing water molecules could hold key to fast, controllable water transport

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Scientists have identified a new and potentially faster way of moving molecules across the surfaces of certain materials. The team carried out sophisticated computer simulations of tiny droplets of water as they interact with graphene surfaces. These simulations reveal that the molecules can "surf" across the surface whilst being carried by the moving ripples of graphene.
via Science Daily

To infinity and beyond: Light goes infinitely fast with new on-chip material

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Researchers have designed the first on-chip metamaterial with a refractive index of zero, meaning that the phase of light can travel infinitely fast.
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place

New graphene based inks for high-speed manufacturing of printed electronics

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A low-cost, high-speed method for printing graphene inks using a conventional roll-to-roll printing process, like that used to print newspapers and crisp packets, could open up a wide range of practical applications, including inexpensive printed electronics, intelligent packaging and disposable sensors.
via Science Daily

The Southern Cross in a Southern Sky

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Zazzle Space Gifts for young and old

Saturn and Dione

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Space Science Image of the Week: Saturn’s moon Dione, viewed from the Cassini orbiter, crossing the face of its parent planet
via ESA Space Science

Astronaut trials innovative SkinSuit in space

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An innovative SkinSuit designed to reduce the debilitating physical effects of space flight has been trialled for the first time on the International Space Station (ISS) by a European Space Agency astronaut.  
via Science Daily
Zazzle Space Exploration market place