Find out how investigations of Comet 67P will help guide future cometary exploration in this ESA Web TV interview from the 49th Rosetta science workshop
via ESA Space Science
There are advances being made almost daily in the disciplines required to make space and its contents accessible. This blog brings together a lot of that info, as it is reported, tracking the small steps into space that will make it just another place we carry out normal human economic, leisure and living activities.
A representative model of the ExoMars rover that will land on Mars in 2021 is beginning a demanding test campaign that will ensure it can survive the rigours of launch and landing, as well as operations under the environmental conditions of Mars.
Timepix3, one of the read-out chips of Medipix.
Medipix – a family of read-out chips for particle imaging and detection developed at CERN – has proved its credentials outside the field of high-energy physics, including in art authentication and restoration. At a seminar at 11:00 CEST today at CERN, broadcast via a webcast, Ron M. A. Heeren from Maastricht University in the Netherlands now describes how one such chip, the Timepix chip, might in the future be found in surgery rooms and pathology departments.
The idea is to use the Timepix chip as a component of the detector in mass spectrometry imaging – a technique that maps the molecular composition of cells and tissues, and is used in many clinical research areas. In his talk, Ron Heeren will describe how Timepix enables the imaging throughput needed for intraoperative molecular pathology. This could help surgeons diagnose cancers and evaluate surgical margins, the rim of tissue around a tumour that has been surgically removed.
For more information, visit the event page.
The LHCb detector seen in 2018 in its underground cavern. The excellent precision of this detector allowed LHCb physicists to perform detailed measurements on the doubly charmed particle they discovered only last year. (Image: M. Brice, J. Ordan/CERN)
Finding a new particle is always a nice surprise, but measuring its characteristics is another story and just as important. Less than a year after announcing the discovery of the particle going by the snappy name of Ξcc++ (Xicc++), this week the LHCb collaboration announced the first measurement of its lifetime. The announcement was made during the CHARM 2018 international workshop in Novosibirsk in Russia: a charming moment for this doubly charmed particle.
The Ξcc++ particle is composed of two charm quarks and one up quark, hence it is a member of the baryon family (particles composed of three quarks). The existence of the particle was predicted by the Standard Model, the theory which describes elementary particles and the forces that bind them together. LHCb’s observation came last year after several years of research. Its mass was measured to be around 3621 MeV, almost four times that of the proton (the best-known baryon), thanks to its two charm quarks.
The Ξcc++ particle is fleeting: it decays quickly into lighter particles. In fact it was through its decay into a Λc+ baryon and three lighter mesons, K-, π+ and π+, that it was discovered. Since then, LHCb physicists have been carrying on an analysis to determine its lifetime with a high level of precision. The value obtained is 0.256 picoseconds (0.000000000000256 seconds), with a small degree of uncertainty. Though very small in everyday life, such an amount of time is relatively large in the realm of subatomic particles. The measured value is within the range predicted by theoretical physicists on the basis of the Standard Model, namely between 0.20 and 1.05 picoseconds.
To achieve this precise result, LHCb physicists compared the measurement of the lifetime of the Ξcc++ with that of another particle whose lifetime is well-known. They based their measurements on the same sample of events that led to the discovery.
Measuring the lifetime of a particle is an important step in determining its characteristics. Thanks to the abundance of heavy quarks produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the excellent precision of the LHCb detector, physicists will now continue their detailed measurements of the properties of this charming particle. With these types of measurements, they are gaining a better understanding of the interactions that govern the behaviour of particles containing heavy quarks.
More information on the new measurements of the Ξcc++ particle can be found on the LHCb website.
The OPERA experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy (Image: INFN)
The OPERA experiment, located at the Gran Sasso Laboratory of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), was designed to conclusively prove that muon-neutrinos can convert to tau-neutrinos, through a process called neutrino oscillation, whose discovery was awarded the 2015 Nobel Physics Prize. In a paper published today in the journal Physical Review Letters, the OPERA collaboration reports the observation of a total of 10 candidate events for a muon to tau-neutrino conversion, in what are the very final results of the experiment. This demonstrates unambiguously that muon neutrinos oscillate into tau neutrinos on their way from CERN, where muon neutrinos were produced, to the Gran Sasso Laboratory 730 km away, where OPERA detected the ten tau neutrino candidates.
Today the OPERA collaboration has also made their data public through the CERN Open Data Portal. By releasing the data into the public domain, researchers outside the OPERA Collaboration have the opportunity to conduct novel research with them. The datasets provided come with rich context information to help interpret the data, also for educational use. A visualiser enables users to see the different events and download them. This is the first non-LHC data release through the CERN Open Data portal, a service launched in 2014.
There are three kinds of neutrinos in nature: electron, muon and tau neutrinos. They can be distinguished by the property that, when interacting with matter, they typically convert into the electrically charged lepton carrying their name: electron, muon and tau leptons. It is these leptons that are seen by detectors, such as the OPERA detector, unique in its capability of observing all three. Experiments carried out around the turn of the millennium showed that muon neutrinos, after travelling long distances, create fewer muons than expected, when interacting with a detector. This suggested that muon neutrinos were oscillating into other types of neutrinos. Since there was no change in the number of detected electrons, physicists suggested that muon neutrinos were primarily oscillating into tau neutrinos. This has now been unambiguously confirmed by OPERA, through the direct observation of tau neutrinos appearing hundreds of kilometres away from the muon neutrino source. The clarification of the oscillation patterns of neutrinos sheds light on some of the properties of these mysterious particles, such as their mass.
The OPERA collaboration observed the first tau-lepton event (evidence of muon-neutrino oscillation) in 2010, followed by four additional events reported between 2012 and 2015, when the discovery of tau neutrino appearance was first assessed. Thanks to a new analysis strategy applied to the full data sample collected between 2008 and 2012 – the period of neutrino production – a total of 10 candidate events have now been identified, with an extremely high level of significance.
“We have analysed everything with a completely new strategy, taking into account the peculiar features of the events,” said Giovanni De Lellis Spokesperson for the OPERA collaboration. “We also report the first direct observation of the tau neutrino lepton number, the parameter that discriminates neutrinos from their antimatter counterpart, antineutrinos. It is extremely gratifying to see today that our legacy results largely exceed the level of confidence we had envisaged in the experiment proposal.”
Beyond the contribution of the experiment to a better understanding of the way neutrinos behave, the development of new technologies is also part of the legacy of OPERA. The collaboration was the first to develop fully automated, high-speed readout technologies with sub-micrometric accuracy, which pioneered the large-scale use of the so-called nuclear emulsion films to record particle tracks. Nuclear emulsion technology finds applications in a wide range of other scientific areas from dark matter search to volcano and glacier investigation. It is also applied to optimise the hadron therapy for cancer treatment and was recently used to map out the interior of the Great Pyramid, one of the oldest and largest monuments on Earth, built during the dynasty of the pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops.
A xenon–xenon collision recorded by the CMS detector. (Image: CMS/CERN)
Some 900 nuclear physicists from all over the world are meeting this week in Venice, Italy, for Quark Matter 2018, the 27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus–Nucleus Collisions. The focus of the conference is the hot quark–gluon plasma (QGP) that is thought to have prevailed in the first millionths of a second after the Big Bang, and which can be created for a fleeting moment in collisions of atomic nuclei accelerated in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). At the conference, the main LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) are presenting a wealth of new results from such collisions that provide insight into this extreme state of matter.
For more information, see the related Update for scientists.
Much of the light in the universe comes from stars, and yet, star formation is still a vexing question in astronomy.
To piece together a more complete picture of star birth, astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to look at star formation among galaxies in our own cosmic back yard. The survey of 50 galaxies in the local universe, called the Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey (LEGUS), is the sharpest, most comprehensive ultraviolet-light look at nearby star-forming galaxies.
The LEGUS survey combines new Hubble observations with archival Hubble images for star-forming spiral and dwarf galaxies, offering a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of star formation and galaxy evolution. Astronomers are releasing the star catalogs for each of the LEGUS galaxies and cluster catalogs for 30 of the galaxies, as well as images of the galaxies themselves. The catalogs provide detailed information on young, massive stars and star clusters, and how their environment affects their development.
The local universe, stretching across the gulf of space between us and the great Virgo cluster of galaxies, is ideal for study because astronomers can amass a big enough sample of galaxies, and yet, the galaxies are close enough to Earth that Hubble can resolve individual stars. The survey will also help astronomers understand galaxies in the distant universe, where rapid star formation took place.
A rare phenomenon connected to the death of a star has been discovered in observations made by ESA’s Herschel space observatory: an unusual laser emission from the spectacular Ant Nebula, which suggests the presence of a double star system hidden at its heart.
The Shareholders meeting has approved the segregation of the CVD business of Graphenea SA into Graphenea Semiconductor SLU. Read official announcement (in Spanish).
Graphenea has launched sales of GFETs – graphene field effect transistors, aimed at lowering barriers to adoption of graphene, especially on the market for sensors. Researchers needing GFETs for their applications, whether in gas or biosensing, or for other applications, needn’t worry anymore about consistently obtaining high-quality GFET devices.
Graphenea has for starters launched two standard GFET-for-sensing configurations dubbed GFET-S10 and GFET-S20, each including 36 individual GFETs on a one square centimeter die, but differing in device layout. The GFET-S10 has devices distributed evenly over the die and the GFET-S20 has the devices concentrated in the center of the die with electrical pads located at the die edge. The GFET-S20 devices all have a 2-probe geometry for probing electrical properties during sensing, whereas the GFET-S10 houses 30 devices with the Hall bar geometry and 6 with 2-probe geometry. The Hall bars enable magnetic field sensing, apart from applications in graphene device research, bioelectronics, biosensing, chemical sensing, and photodetectors that the 2-probe geometry also allows.
Customers can choose a device layout that satisfies their needs. The new product is especially suited to those looking to develop novel applications of graphene, without the desire or capacity to engage in full-scale graphene research that is required for consistent high-quality GFET devices. For those not happy with either of the two layouts, in the coming months the company will launch a custom design service for the same high-quality GFETs in tailored arrangements.
Owing to the 2D nature of graphene and its excellent electrical, optical and mechanical properties, the material makes for an excellent sensor. Sensing power was most strikingly demonstrated by the sensing of the adsorption of a single gas molecule by the team at the University of Manchester, although numerous applications in chemical, bio, or magnetic sensors or photodetectors were also shown. All of those ultrasensitive devices operate on a GFET platform. The new devices from Graphenea have a specified carrier mobility above 1000 cm2/V*s, residual charge carrier density below 2 x 1012cm-2, the Dirac point between 10 and 40V, and a yield higher than 75%. The GFETs are made on the standard Si/SiO2 substrate, with Ni/Al metal contacts.
Media are invited to join experts of the Characterising Exoplanets Satellite, Cheops, at Airbus Defence and Space in Madrid, Spain, for a unique opportunity to visit the spacecraft in the clean room on 22 May.
The spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury have arrived safely at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, marking the start of six months of preparation to ready the craft for launch.
The ESA Planck team has been honoured with the 2018 Gruber Cosmology Prize for its mission mapping the cosmic microwave background – relic radiation from the Big Bang that is still observable today.
Graphenea announces the hiring of Dr. Elías Torres Alonso, an expert in graphene production and applications, as Research Scientist. Dr. Torres will strengthen Graphenea’s research team, which prides itself in staying at the cutting edge of graphene science and technology.
Elías Torres Alonso studied Physics with a specialty in Physics of Materials at the Complutense University in Madrid (Spain), where he graduated in 2013. During 2014, he pursued a Master in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials in Lund (Sweden), where he worked with III-V nanowires grown by MOVPE, especially InAs and InSb heterostructures for photovoltaic and electronic devices.
After that, he joined the group of Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials at Exeter University (UK) to carry out his PhD. There he worked with large area CVD graphene and FeCl3-FLG, liquid exfoliated graphene and graphene oxide for flexible optoelectronic applications and sensing purposes. His work aimed to bridge the gap between graphene research and applications, where scalable methods for graphene production and processing are required for the industry.
At Graphenea, Dr. Torres joins our growing research team that makes use of our Class 1000 cleanroom to produce high-quality graphene on large standard and custom substrates.
10,000 tracks grouping 100,000 points in a future LHC detector as simulated for the TrackML challenge (Image: TrackML Challenge Team/CERN)
Physicists from the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations have just launched the TrackML challenge – your chance to develop new machine-learning solutions for the next generation of particles detectors.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces hundreds of millions of collisions every second, generating tens of petabytes of data a year. Handling this flood of data is a major challenge for the physicists, who have developed tools to process and filter the events online within a fraction of a second and select the most promising collision events.
Managing the amount of data will become even more challenging in the near future: a major upgrade foreseen for 2026, the planned start of the High-Luminosity LHC, will increase the collision rate up to a factor of five. Innovative new software solutions will be needed to promptly reconstruct the tracks produced by these collisions with the available computing resources.
To help address this issue, a team of machine-learning experts and LHC physicists has partnered with Kaggle to probe the question: can machine learning assist high-energy physics in discovering and characterising new particles?
Specifically, in this competition, you’re challenged to build an algorithm that quickly and efficiently reconstructs particle tracks from 3D points left in the silicon detectors. The challenge consists of two phases:
The “Accuracy Phase” is now running on Kaggle from May to July 2018. Here the focus is on the highest score, irrespective of the evaluation time. This phase is an official IEEE WCCI competition (Rio de Janeiro, July 2018).
The “Throughput Phase” will run on Codalab from July to October 2018. Participants will submit their software to be evaluated by the platform. Incentive is on the throughput (or speed) of the evaluation while reaching a good score. This phase is an official NIPS competition (Montreal, December 2018).
Sign up for the TrackML challenge today. The top three scorers will receive cash prizes. Selected winners may be awarded a top-notch NVIDIA v100 GPU, or get the chance to visit CERN or attend the 2018 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems in Montreal (Canada).
For more information and the participation conditions, visit the Kaggle challenge website and the official TrackML twitter account.
A high-energy survey of the early Universe, an infrared observatory to study the formation of stars, planets and galaxies, and a Venus orbiter are to be considered for ESA’s fifth medium class mission in its Cosmic Vision science programme, with a planned launch date in 2032.